
天然玻璃陨石 陨石(meteorite)也称“陨星”,是地球以外脱离原有运行轨道的宇宙流星或尘碎块飞快散落到地球或其它行星表面的未燃尽的石质、铁质或是石铁混合的物质。大多数陨石来自于火星和木星间的小行星带,小部分来自月球和火星。陨石大体可分为玻璃陨石、石质陨石、铁质陨石,石铁混合陨石。 Meteorites (meteorite) are also called "meteorites". They are unburned stone, iron, or stone-iron mixed materials that are scattered from the original orbit of the universe, or fragments of dust from the orbit. . Most meteorites come from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and a small part from the moon and Mars. Meteorites can be roughly divided into glass meteorites, stone meteorites, iron meteorites, and stone-iron meteorites.
玻璃陨石主要出现在北美海岸的一些地区。玻璃陨石在我国不多见,主要分布在新疆、西藏、海南、广东、广西、甘肃一带。陨石主要分为铁陨石和石陨石。玻璃陨石是石陨石一种,是石英质的陨石,在进入大气层后熔融,坠地后又快速冷凝,颜色有黑、墨绿、棕褐,表层具拉长状气泡及大小不等的圆形气泡,有的似如月球表面的环形山状图案。中国古代曾称它为“雷公墨”。早在1000多年前,中国唐朝刘恂所著《岭表录异》一书中就有玻璃陨石的记载:“雷州骤雨后,人于野中得石如黳石,谓之雷公墨。和之铮然,光莹可爱。”据1844年英国生物学家达尔文描述,在澳大利亚获得一块钮扣状玻璃质石块,认为是黑曜岩(达尔文玻璃),以后在 世界范围内发现这种类似玻璃质石块,并通称为“玻璃陨石”。玻璃陨石由于质地坚韧,可雕刻成手饰、胸饰,在珠宝市场上价格十分昂贵,有着很高的收藏价值。 Glass meteorite occurs mainly in some areas of the North American coast. Glass meteorite is rare in China, mainly distributed in Xinjiang, Tibet, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Gansu. Meteorites are mainly divided into iron meteorite and stone meteorite. Glass meteorite is a kind of stone meteorite. It is a quartz-like meteorite that melts after entering the atmosphere and quickly condenses after falling. The color is black, dark green, brown, and the surface layer has elongated bubbles and round bubbles of varying sizes. Some look like craters on the surface of the moon. In ancient China it was called "Lei Gongmo". As early as more than 1,000 years ago, in the book "Liu Biao Lu Yi" written by Liu Xie in the Tang Dynasty in China, glass meteorites were recorded: "After the Leizhou shower, people get stones like flint in the wild, which is called Lei Gongmo. And It's radiant and lovely. "According to Darwin, a British biologist in 1844, a button-shaped glassy stone was obtained in Australia and considered to be obsidian (Darwin glass). Later, this similarity was found worldwide. Vitreous stones, commonly known as "glass meteorites". Due to its tough texture, glass meteorites can be carved into hand ornaments and chest ornaments. They are very expensive in the jewelry market and have a high collection value.
玻璃陨石可以保持数以十亿计年份基本保持不变。科研人员可以通过研究这些陨石对早期宇宙了解更多,科研价值极高,一些发达国家必争之物,形成如今玻璃陨石疯涨局势,真正的一石千金。让无数科学家为之疯狂的"玻璃陨石"极为珍贵,价格一路上涨,成为如今在古玩收藏市场里最昂贵的石头,钻石也难以媲美。玻璃陨石投资升值潜力,已是广为认知,也被广大收藏群体所接受。根据已有的统计,天上掉下来一块陨石,只有4%的可能是玻璃陨石。因玻璃陨石是特殊的陨石,价值尤比普通的陨石的价格高,具有极高的收藏价值和研究价值及市场价值。 Glass meteorites can remain essentially unchanged for billions of years. Researchers can learn more about the early universe by studying these meteorites. The value of scientific research is extremely high. Some developed countries must compete for the current situation of glass meteorite soaring. The "glass meteorite", which has made countless scientists crazy, is extremely precious, and the price has risen all the way. It has become the most expensive stone in the antique collection market today, and diamonds are hardly comparable. The potential of glass meteorite investment appreciation is widely recognized and accepted by the majority of collectors. According to existing statistics, only 4% of a meteorite falling from the sky may be a glass meteorite. Because glass meteorites are special meteorites, the value is particularly higher than ordinary meteorites, and has a very high collection value and research value and market value.
此天然玻璃陨石是新吉乐先生收藏的珍品,此天然玻璃陨石通体乌黑,似石非石,其色浑然天成,独具特色;整体硫烧痕迹清晰可见。外表裹着一层黑色的的氧化层,叫熔壳;表面分布的许多大大小小的熔坑,叫做气印;这些都是由于它们陨落过程中与大气剧烈摩擦燃烧而形成的。它不仅具有一般高端收藏品的稀有性,其科学探索的价值是陨石独有的内涵,正是这种内涵决定了陨石收藏具有深刻的内在价值发现和无穷的魅力。从长远看来,远非一般收藏品所能比拟。 如有对此天然玻璃陨石感兴趣的藏友,欢迎莅临公司预约藏友进行赏析,如需意向购买,广大收藏家也可以通过我们公司联系洽谈,请提前办理好相关手续,及时联系。(24小时咨询热线:183-2700-0704) 查看更多...li8i9ue |
